Relationships are not black and white

They are 16.8 million shades of grey

In a world grappling with grey relationships,

anxiety, depression, and loneliness have become all too common place.

You're not the only one.


with Shamanism

Embark on your relationship journey

I'm thrilled to unveil the transformative teachings that will supercharge all your relationships. As you absorb and put these teachings into practice, you'll embark on a journey to deepen your connection to your inner self at a soulful level. Brace yourself for the manifestation of more profound connections with others.


Your $1 trial lasts for 7 days. To get started, watch your email box. Be sure to check your spam.

After 7 days you will be charged $10 monthly or $100 annually. You'll then receive weekly teachings emailed to you.

Three relationships that you must have in your life

Make your life whole and complete...


Relationship with yourself - Exploring the emotional, physical, mental, and spiritual dimensions.

Discover your Sacred inner "I am”. From foundational understanding to fulfillment, actualization, and beyond.


Relationship to others - How to have your desired impact. Family, friends, colleagues, clients, community. Spirits and ancestors. Communication and conversation. Priorities, time management and more.


Relationship to nature - Grandmother Earth, Grandfather Sun. Minerals, crystals. Animals, animal totems. Flowers, trees, food, herbs. Environment, rain, wind, air, fire and more.

Sacred Practices, Rituals and Habits.

Awaken the woman within. All over the world, I’m meeting people who have lost connection to themselves, their friends, family, and their community. They don’t believe that change is possible for them.

It's possible for you!

We each carry our own bundle

Make room for what you need to feed your soul.

Reach for the peak

Appreciate every twist and turn.

Dedicate time to reconnect

Claim the success of the experience in advance.

Self-talk is a conversation

It's how we think, feel and behave toward ourselves.

It's Your Journey, Enjoy Every Step

Say yes to exploration, discovery and healing.

Honour and Give Gratitude to Our Lineage

“You can’t really know where you are going until you know where you have been.” Maya Angelou

Our lineage is Sacred. For thousands of years women have been following the oldest spiritual path in the world.

Women everywhere are connecting to Sacred Practices. I know it as Shamanism.

Sacred Medicine Wheel Teachings

Wheels and circles have been used for thousands of years as tools to describe and understand Ancient Wisdom Teachings.

I personally witnessed and walked Medicine Wheels in Peru, Bolivia and a large stone circle in Scotland.

The experience was grounding into the earth at the same time as feeling the link into the cosmos.

We introduce the Z.E.S.T. formula

What are you prepared to zero in on to manifest your future?
Envision and Excite

What is your envisioned future? Excited!
Stay Committed

Set Yourself up for Success
Transform and Transcend

Commit to the transformation you seek

Seeking to realign with your core?

Build the life you want to lead and the world you want to live in?

It's not just about relationships; it's about elevating your mental and emotional well-being.

Strong and fulfilling connections are intertwined with an improved state of mind and heart.

Get ready to embrace a new level of understanding and depth in your relationships – starting with the most important one, the relationship with yourself.

Let's embark on this journey together.

Who is Linda Babulic?

Meet the ZESTY Linda Babulic. She is a Shamanic Life Coach, Speaker, Author, and Founder of ZEST Your Life | ZEST Your Business. With a wealth of experience in the public, private, and non-profit sectors, she has mastered the art of combining Ancient Wisdom Teachings with modern practices for individuals and organizations alike.

Through the transformative power of shamanic practices, she guides individuals on a journey of deep insights and inner wisdom. By shedding limiting beliefs and standing confidently in their power, clients unlock their true heart's desires and embrace a truly ZESTY life.

She also mentors and coaches small businesses, aligning teams to meet organizational goals and objectives. With tailored programs in time management, effective communication, and employee satisfaction, she ignites productivity and growth.

Linda Babulic has spent the last decade synthesizing her Z.E.S.T. Formula, the Shamanic Wisdom teachings and Divine Intelligence into the practical application of ancient wisdom and modern knowledge.

Today she is dedicated to provide insight, wisdom, and knowledge to move out of confusion into clarity.

Copyright 2024 ©Linda Babulic. All Rights Reserved. Disclaimer: Nothing contained on this website is intended to provide health care advice. Should you have any health care-related questions, please call or see your physician or other health care provider. The safety and security of our members is our top priority. Individual results may vary.

613) 850-4955